• Frequency: Every month
  • Size: A3, tabloid size
  • Readership: 300 000 Polish speakers
  • Launch date: December 2012
  • Targeted audience:male/female
  • Profiles: news, leisure, classifieds
  • Free magazine


Right places for Your Ad!

Issuu.com statistics show over 10,000 monthly readings

Please contact us for updated statistics hello@polishadvertiser.uk

Whole Page

vertical - 270mm x 310mm


1/2 page

vertical - 135mm x 310mm


1/2 page

horizontal - 270mm x 155mm


1/4 page

horizontal - 270mm x 77mm


1/4 page

vertical - 135mm x 155mm


1/8 page

horizontal - 135mm x 77mm


1/16 page

vertical - 65mm x 77mm


1/32 page

vertical - 65mm x 38mm



main ad - 160mm x 131mm



popular module - 51mm x 64mm


Why advertise with us?

Benefits of cooperation

Polish Advertiser won popular with many customers with effective advertising campaigns and a professional approach to the customer. Each of our customers is treated individually, allowing small, large and medium-sized businesses to maximize the advertising opportunities in our newspaper. Polish Advertisers and has gone on to become the most popular Polish language classifieds publication in the United Kingdom.

  • The most recognizable Polish language media brand in the United Kingdom.
  • Favorite advertising magazine for Poles in the United Kingdom.
  • We are proud to be working with best-Polish companies in UK.
  • Polish Advertiser offers a variety of advertising solutions. Paper-Online

All offers need to be sent in JPG, TIFF or PDF only in high resolution (300 dpi) 300 dpi.

The color should be set on CMYK. if the advertisement is not as request, we will not take any responsibility for the quality of the picture. The graphic would be sent to hello@polishadvertiser.uk